Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Anniversary - 13 Years!

It doesn't seem like 13 years - it seems like forever! But in a good way :)
I don't even remember what my life was like before I had Jolene in it. And that's probably because it's not worth remembering. My life found it's worth when I found Jolene.
It's been a wonderful, amazing, sweet, sometimes very hard, but always worthwhile journey.
This last year has been a mixture of both.
This has been the first full year for "zac thomas photographer" and I'm both excited and humbled by the feedback so many have shared with me. That so many people love what I do has made it easier to endure and visualize a time in the future when the financial burden of starting a new business won't be as acute.
This was only multiplied when, in January, one of our water pipes took an early retirement and flooded our entire house. After two and a half months in a hotel and construction that still continues by your's truly; we're reconsidering the benefits of renting.
In the midst of daily life, Jolene and I are filled with Joy as we watch our little Men - Gryphyn and Vahn - continue to grow and develop. We were as excited as any parent as we observed Vahn learning to walk this summer, and then we were heartbroken when he wondered onto the asphalt and burned and blistered his feet to the point he couldn't walk for weeks. Many of you poured out your sympathies and we're very grateful; no one is happier than we are to know that Vahn's feet have healed completely.
Jolene and I didn't have our boys until we had been married for 10 years but, for that whole time, we had our cats - Tigger and Cheyenne. For 12 years they were our family. Putting them to sleep was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made. Their loss was still too fresh when Jolene's dad, Bill, passed away a week later. October was a hard month.
November was progressing nicely until last week.
That's when we found out Jolene had breast cancer.
Didn't see that one coming.

My dad has always told me, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."
Can I get an Amen!

So, this has been one of the best years and one of the worst years for Jolene and I. But, it's one year out of many.
And when we compare our marriage to that of my grandparents who were married over 60 years - our story is still very much in the character development stages. You could miss this much and still enjoy the movie.
We're looking forward to the rest of the story...


DeAnn said...

I truly admire the love you have for your wife and family. It is a rare thing to see these days. I will pray for Jolene and your family for a speedy recovery.


Anonymous said...


Steve and I will pray for Jolene and your family. I am so sorry to hear about this and the loss of her father and your cats too :( Be strong...God is with you!


Unknown said...

Hi Zac-

I am so sorry for all of your tough times this year! I had no idea any of this was happening. Chris and I's thoughts and prayers and with you and your family. We will be praying for a speedy recovery!


Alicia Sharp said...

Zac, Donald and I are thinking of you and your family. I so love the slideshow of all the pics of you all together and the song. I pray things will be fine with Joleen and if I can do anything please let me know.

Anonymous said...

WoW!! Please add a few more of Vahn! [maybe in the bear suit like Grf?] Nice trip down memory lane for me... I even spotted 2 shots I took in Trier!

aaron said...

congrats! Ours is 14 this April. nice photos. You have a great family!

C.J. Carpenter Hardin said...

Zac, Congratulations on 13 years of marriage. I am touched by the love you have for your family and am sorry to hear about your hardship this year. I will pray for you and your family. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Many prayers your way. What a lovely video.

KitCat said...

that was such a sweet slide show. You two look so happy together. you're in my thoughts and prayers.