Friday, May 2, 2008

David Jay showing off

I had the opportunity this week to meet up with David Jay in Atlanta and get a closer look at an application he's developing called ShowIt Sites. This is a very cool app that will be bringing you my new webpage in the coming weeks.

David Jay is sort of like the Will Smith of the wedding photography industry; he's talented in a number of different areas and is a bit of a celebrity in his own right. In a few short years he became a wedding photographer and moved up to shooting weddings internationally and also began teaching around the country. He's begun a number of websites and forums that have helped tremendously in fostering a community among photographers around the globe. All the slideshows that are on my blog are also from an application that he developed.

We met at Liana Lehman's house, another talented photographer and national speaker, a casual get together to get an inside look at this latest David Jay venture. ShowIt Sites is a website development application for photographers that are high on standards and low on time. That's my assessment anyway and I'm anxious to start using it - when I get time :)
I had a great time in Atlanta; I was still talking in the parking lot past 1 a.m.

I realize the group shot is out of focus - my bad.

I stayed the night and hit IKEA the next day to pick up a few more items for our house remodel and then made the drive back to Asheville. I stopped in Greenville at a carnival I came across. I figured I'd stretch my legs a bit and get a few pictures too. I got a lot of strange looks since the place only had about 20 people total. Lots of lights - not a lot of action. One lady was very protective of her "game" and started yelling at me as I was taking a picture - she was afraid someone in Florida would copy her setup!? I'll honor her request and keep that gem off my blog.


DeAnn said...

I miss Carnivals! Making me realy homesick...The swinging favorite cause I always felt like I was flying. Love these...

cu4photos said...

Thanks for posting these pictures.
It was great meeting you. I had a blast! I saw the pictures of the flood...OH MY GOODNESS!!! Hope things are going well with the remodel and you're back home soon.
Take care ~Cindy

|| davidjay || said...

DUDE! Rock on man! These are sick pictures and I loved all the shots on your blog! Awesome stuff!

Thanks for the great post!