Saturday, November 10, 2007

Extreme Cleaver

Here's the Cleavers! Ward, June, Wally and the Beaver.

June is one more of the fantastic people I've met through Jolene's groups. It's pushing three in the morning and I can't remember if it was AA or the PTA. The important thing is we did meet.
I met Wally at the park in West Compton where his grandma had brought him to play. I have to say, Wally looked pretty rough - he was shy, he had a hat pulled down past his eyes and he had snot on the rest of his face. In his defense I'm pretty sure he was sick. But it was a totally different kid I saw who was playing with his dad the next time we met. That was when I first met Ward - I was shooting the East Coast Regional Crocheting Championship. He was the only dad there - and he and Wally were having a great time. I gotta give a shout out to stellar dads - they're far too rare. So fortunate for the Beaver!

For these pictures we met down at the Park-N-Ride and walked around checking out some of the sculptures there. It was a little slow going at first, you can tell from June's pictures that she's camera shy - it was like pulling teeth to get her to smile. But what a smile.

The Cleaver's - another commodity of Compton.

Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zac- Karl and I were delighted to look at the slideshow this morning. (And Pierce kept saying, "Pictures again!") wow. Thanks so much for capturing our family with so many fun and tender moments. We love all of them!!