Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Masquerade Brawl

Just when you were getting used to baseball and families - it's ROLLER DERBY!
I met ‘Chelle-O Shoot Her at her son's baseball game out in Haw Creek and she asked if I'd be interested in coming out and shooting the Blue Ridge Roller Girls team's - the Candy Apple Razor Blades in their bout against the Wham Bam Thank You Ma'ams. I perused their myspace page and thought it was definitely worth checking out!
I had a great time being right out in the middle of the action! It did cause me an increased level of anxiety with people skating and falling and being generally crazy around all my gear. Thankfully, it all came away unscathed - I can't say as much for some of the girls!
During a period break some guys from the Flipside Boardshop came out and did some injury inviting moves on their skateboards! I've got all those pics as well.
If you want to catch the girls in action, their last bout of the season is this Sunday the 11th in Fayetteville. They've got info on their myspace page or you can take a look at their competition's page!

I got a lot of pictures from this night so, in addition to the slideshow, I made them their own webpage with some nice big images.


Alicia Sharp said...

Great action shots! Blue Ridge Roolergirls RAWK!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Zac! Everyone is loving your shots. Hope you can come out and shoot some more at our future bouts! Hope to schedule that family shoot soon too! Michelle, a.k.a. Shoot Her