Monday, December 3, 2007


How many Mom's out there would come up with the idea to do a photo shoot of their three year old daughter in a graveyard? Well, I know at least one and every little girl should should have as cool a mom as Geneva-Claire does!
Geneva-Claire's mom, Veronica, was the person who originally told me about the train out on Riverside Dr. that was a cool place for pictures - that's where these came from. It was surrounded with thorny bushes so Veronica said "how about Riverside Cemetery?" Awesome. We got some shots with tombstones that had dates a bit too recent for my comfort level so, those didn't make the cut. However, we also shot with the Woodfins who were more than happy to see us as they've been pushing daisies for over 130 years.
As though the cemetery weren't cool enough, Veronica also arranged for us to shoot at some old cabins in Woodfin. I couldn't find their website so they don't get any love.
Check out the cemetery when you get a chance - it's huge, over 30,000 members! And if you're as lucky as I was to have Veronica and Geneva-Claire with you - you'll have a great time!


Anonymous said...

Veronica...she is so freeeaaakkkiinnn cute!!! What awesome pics. You have lots of work to do so get to SCRAPPIN' girl!! She loves the camera and the camera loves her! Zac, once again, phenominal're amazing. Dana...Avian's Mom

Alicia Sharp said...

WOW! Veronica does know some awesome places. Love all the gates and archt. detail behind her. Awesome job Zac!

Kathy said...

Absolutely amazing and beautiful. I know Veronica and GC from the board and I have to say you captured her perfectly. These and Alicia's pics are the best I have seen.