Friday, December 7, 2007

Meet Michelle, Griffin and Carlee!

If you've got a sharp eye you may recognize Griffin from the Haw Creek Baseball posts a few months ago. That's the first time that I met Michelle. She was watching me take pictures of the games and asked me if I'd be interested in shooting Roller Derby! The Blue Ridge Rollergirls were Michelle's brainchild and they're awesome! You should definitely check them out when you get a chance.
Today we haven't got all the action of baseball or roller derby but we do have Michelle and her kids spending some time together and checking stuff out at the Botanical Gardens.
Thanks, Michelle, for your patience in getting these up. You're Awesome!


Anonymous said...

Love your work, Zac. You got some great shots of the kids. I love them! (I'm too harsh a critic with my own photos.) You captured such great expressions on everyone's faces. Warms my heart! I would LOVE to get a great family shot for Christmas! Hope you're not completely booked! Thanks SO MUCH, Zac! ~Michelle

Alicia Sharp said...

These are amazing! Michele needs to quit being so critical of herself cause she is a beautiful lady! You hear me woman! ;)

DeAnn said...

As always...more amazing pictures of another one of my childhood best friends. I have known Michelle since pre-school. Michelle, Dana and I are lifetime best friends. Your making me really homesick Zac! Your work is priceless ....

Anonymous said...

Ya know...I can't keep blowing your head up Zac b/c if I do it will explode and you won't be able to take anymore AWESOME pictures of my wonderful friends and my family!!! Michelle, these pics are great and I swear they look like you and your Dad still. Dana