Saturday, September 29, 2007


I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's contacted me to set up a shoot. I'm excited about the number of people who want to do something outside the norm.
With the recent activity I've had a number of very nice people offer to set me up doing pumpkin, Christmas, team, etc type pictures. I'm very grateful for their insights and assistance in helping my business get off the ground.
Since I'm fairly new to the game in a professional sense, I don't have a body of work with which people are familiar and so I thought I'd take a few minutes to try and verbalize my thoughts on where I see zac|thomas going.

I was emailing a friend earlier and I got on a bit of a rant so I just copy and pasted it here.
"I just like taking pictures that people like. I'm not down with doing school pictures or team pics or shots with Santa. I think they're a dime a dozen and it takes about zero photographic ability to pull it off. That's not to say photographers doing those things don't have ability, I just don't think they're tapping too deeply into it in those situations. I know technically it's making money taking pictures but that's not the photography I want to offer - those bases are covered well. If there's not a "wow" associated with a picture, I don't want to offer it. I want people to want the pictures I take. And not in the way that grandma wants every single picture of little Jimmy - even if they're out of focus :) "

I hope that doesn't come across as snotty. I don't want to lose the beauty of what's possible for the mundane of the practical.

I'd never once considered shooting a kids baseball game before 8 days ago but now I've gone out twice and I've got shots from five different games and I'm going out again in the morning. Why? Because it's beautiful - most guys will stop reading at this point. For you ladies...
I love my two boys, I can't even tell you. If ever there was proof of God, they're sleeping in their beds twenty feet from me. How someone like me ended up with my little Men... those three dots are me sitting here for five minutes trying to come up with words. I'm blessed.
And am I the first parent in history? Have there not been billions? And which of those didn't love to watch their son or daughter lost in a moment of joy, of wonder, of determination? Those are the pieces of life that I want to capture.
So is it just kids I like taking pictures of? Yeah, it is. It's the kid you held all night, sweaty, hot, crying, throwing-up, still too young to understand - now 20, standing proud and fearful as his bride walks the aisle towards him. It's the 45 year old kid who's hugging his daughter as he gives her away wondering what happened to his baby girl who was so chubby he couldn't see her knees. It's the 25 year old daughter expecting and chubby once again, not knowing what to expect. It's the 88 year old kid, who takes an hour and a half to make a salad, calls it dinner, and eats it at 3 in the afternoon - he's sitting in the shade watching his children watch their children take care of their children.

This is life. It's worth living. It's worth remembering. So I take pictures.

If someone else wants to take shots with the Easter bunny in the mall, that's cool. God bless 'em.

1 comment:

A.Poston said...

I'm drawn to your site once again! I think it's because I'm always hoping I'll get to see yet another great picture you've taken. :) I love those two of the boys you put right there. They are great! :) Like I've said so many times before, I wish we lived closer to ya'll. We really do miss you! I hope this photography thing gets going really good for you! Your amazing at it! :)