Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Drive-by Dan

Yesterday was another drive-by visit by Dan Johanson. 
Dan and I went to high school together out in California and then we both went off to automotive school in Phoenix. We never hung out in high school but neither of us knew anyone in Phoenix either so we took a trip to the Grand Canyon for a day, shot some pictures, and drove back. I'm in the high tops and calculator watch. 
 That day, back in '93, we learned we both liked photography. Well, it's been fourteen years since then so let's' recap: We both graduated and became mechanics, Dan went back to California and I moved to Utah. I married Jolene in '95 and Dan flew out and was a groomsman in our wedding. I didn't like being a mechanic so I joined the Air Force in '96 and ended up back in California trying to learn Korean. We met up with Dan again there for a few days .
 I switched to the medical field and we moved to Texas and Dan (who didn't want to be a mechanic anymore either) became a missionary and moved to the Philippines. Insert a few years here. Dan was on a trip through the US back in '99 and was able to stop and see us for a day in Texas. Insert a few more years. We moved to Germany and Dan is now ministering in Kyrgyzstan. We almost had the chance to meet up in Germany but Dan's trip fell through. Another year or two. Jolene and I are now in North Carolina and Dan is back in California to be near his father who is wrestling with cancer. However...  Dan's taking a little trip through the US again visiting with people who have been supporting his ministry all these years and so, after seven and a half years, Dan stopped by - for about 18 hours. 
Interestingly, Dan and I have both pursued photography throughout the years and now I'm investing myself in that full time and Dan is also shooting weddings to supplement his income while he's back in the States.   So, Jolene let us be nerds for a while and talk cameras and we went out in the driveway and took pictures till 2am. Here's a few of the shots we came away with. 
Your a good friend Dan. See you soon. Well... probably not. 

1 comment:

A.Poston said...

I'm gonna have to tell you that I laughed twice reading that. Once when I saw you with the high top shoes and calculator watch, and the other one of you and Jolene. Makes me realize just how much older you are, lol. :)
Nice driveway pictures btw! :)