Friday, September 14, 2007

A little more bloggin

It's been over a week so I suppose I should write something - keep in the habit 'ya know. 
I ditched BluDomain - the company I was trying to get a website through. They blew me off for a week after I signed up with no communication or responses to my emails. Pretty odd considering companies usually only blow you off after they get money out of you. Perhaps they should rework their business plan. 
So anyway, I went with big folio which I only found out about after I'd signed up with BluDomain. They appear more up-n-up, cool. They integrate with Pictage better too, so that's a bonus. The downside on the frontside is that they're working some kinks out of the design I signed up for which is brand new, so it'll still be a week before I can start getting my site put together. LAME. 

So I'm playing with my blog, making it übercool.
And  übercool it is. I had to use that again - it took me about ten freakin' minutes to figure out how to put those two dots over the "u". 
And while I was searching around for a cool smily face I came across the Korean fonts. It took me longer than the "u" but I figured out how to spell my name and rank from eleven years ago, when I was training to be a linguist in the Air Force. 멍차리 일병  I washed out and went medical, that's why it took so long
Now that's a cool smily face.

Alrighty, movin on. 
I want to try and put some video up here and see how it turns out. I'm gonna be doing that alot so we'll give it a shot now before it's critical. 
How 'bout this one called truck hit. While I was living in Germany I had an idea for a little short movie. I had this stunt/special effect I needed to pull off so I worked that first to make sure it was possible and then I never got around to making the movie. Danny (the stuntman) was fine, he went on to father children. 

Cool, that seems to work. 
I got a little caught up with Photo Booth on my iMac. Maybe I'll go stick one of those on my profile. 
It's 1:30 am - I'm out.


A.Poston said...

Hah, I remember that video of Danny, that was a great one! :)

Anonymous said...

interesting pictures you have on your blog. how some of those streakin' tail lights? those were cool. thanks for doing such great work on the recent wedding in Utah. hadn't seen the HitTruck before... whoa! clever clever